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Talking About Websites: The Rest Of The Site Part One

SO now you have the entry to your suite of rooms. You have the "hallway" with the doors that either open to rooms in your suite (site) or rooms in someone else's suite (site). Remember those doors are called LINKS. Links are important because they expand your capacity to give out information and take in business. Now while we cannot do anything about the "decor" of the rooms in someone else's suite you can do something about the ones in yours. So whats the deal anyway?

Well the right "paint on the walls" the right "pictures hung" in the right places and the

right words make all the difference between a site that gets seen and becomes popular and listed or "ranked" in SEO and a site that noone ever visits. It makes the difference between people coming in and becoming a customer "prospect becoming a convert" (yes that is literally the way they put it out here in World Wide Web, in advertising) or just clinking about a couple minutes and leaving without paying you any mind what so ever. It all has to do with something called SEO.

Moreover you want those rooms or pages to reflect who you are and why you are online. With words; you want to use the word "you" more that the words "I" or "we", because people like to know ... you care about their needs not just their wallets and pocket books.

This would be the Design side of Website production. The "look" the "feel" the "vibe" of the site. Moreover with new developements in the internet itself Search Engine providers like GOOGLE are preparing to badge or "rate" sites based on performance and being "use friendly", and those who do not do well will find themselves not listed on that coveted FIRST PAGE of GOOGLE as high up as they might like.

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